Pandemic Silhouette

The Journey of Mixed Emotions exists, its shadow, if viewed under the right light, from the side, under water, from above or below, becoming a shape, a silhouette where the edges are familiar, where blackness is grey or silver, often swirling with dreadful imaginings of the future and remembrance of the past. Children, young people,…

When is a Canary not a Canary ?

Been a long time. I promised myself never to apologize or explain for writing absences. I can at least stick to that. Today I am in las Palmas on Gran Canaria. This is the furthest south I have ever travelled. A short (and turning out to be expensive) break from the dark of Stockholm. The…

Dead White Guy Pseudonyms

Since I am an already infamous living white chick, I became curious about some of the pen names (pseudonyms) used by famous writers. Thanks as always to Wikipedia for the list that started me off. I have chosen authors that resonate for me, but there are many more to explore. As the post evolved, I…

Loving Words

Forget Elephants, I have the Vocabulary of a Goat I really love words. It’s unfortunate I am forgetting so many. It happens to the best of us. It can be caused by the onset of dementia, growing old, too much information in your brain, or it may be self inflicted…as it is for me. I moved…